Forums and Social Areas

One of the best things about being a kiter is the community of people that you get to meet who share your passion.
There are several online forums for local kitesurfers to meet and chat about equipment, locations and general news.

Forums - Great site, good community, I hang out a lot in here
nzkiteboarding - Another good forum, run by Lee McClelland of Anabatic Kiteboarding
nzkiter - Run by Ian Collenette from Learn To Kitesurf in Orewa

Facebook Groups
There are several facebook groups, some nationwide, some local ones for those of you who like the social network side of things:
New Zealand Kitesurfing - As a moderator of this site and one who adds lots of content I'm going to give it a plug :)
Auckland Kitesurfing - A local facebook group for the Auckland crew.
Girls Day Out Kitesurfing - I am a big promoter for women in kitesurfing and support this event each month.
Kitesports New Zealand - A national group run by Kitesports in Christchurch
Auckland Kitesurf Centre - Another Auckland group run by Deane Joyce of Auckland Kitesurf Centre

Blogs and Twitter - Louis Tapper blogs about his amazing longdistance kiteboarding adventures  - How are the conditions in Auckland?  Follow Auckland wind for updates.